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  1. 2000 - 2001: "Commitment in new working methods and forms of employment" funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Science, Research and Technology (BMBF)
  2. 2000: "Cooperation models in Eastern Germany: Survey of experts to the comparison of the Cooperative Model with other models to the reduction of the shortage of apprenticeship training positions inEastern Germany“, funded by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training
  3. 2000: "Analysis of the training success of commercial apprentices within the Koop Model“, funded by the Ministery of Education, Youth and Sport of the government of the County of Brandenburg
  4. 2001 - 2002: "Evaluation of the Cooperative Model Brandenburg 2001/2002", funded by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Women of the government of the County of Brandenburg
  5. 2002: “Development and testing of a structured interview assessment for the selection of sales managers“, funded by the ProMarkt AG.
  6. 2002 – 2003: “Development and testing of a method of potential assessment for project managers“, funded by the Berlin Transport Companies (BVG)
  7. 2003: „Analysis of qualification demands for the qualification and training of specialised personnel“, funded by the Chamber of Crafts Chemnitz and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce southwest Saxony Chemnitz-Plauen-Zwickau, financed from resources of the European Union and the Free State of Saxony
  8. 2003: “Longitudinal analysis within the development of a concept for the training of specialised personnel“, funded by Chamber of Crafts Chemnitz and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Southwest Saxony Chemnitz-Plauen-Zwickau, financed from resources of the European Union and the Free State of Saxony
  9. 2003: "Evaluation of the Cooperative Model Brandenburg 2001/2002", funded by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Women of the government of the County of Brandenburg
  10. 2005 – 2006 “The influence of cultural differences on commitment, leadership, and health“ in cooperation with Prof. Dr. W. Yan (Visiting Scholar) from the East China Normal University in Shanghai funded by the Chinese Ministry of Education
  11. 2005: "Occupational health program at Ningbo" in cooperation with Prof. W. Yan from the East China Normal University in Shanghai funded by the Chinese Union
  12. 2005: "Organisational Diagnostics: Commitment and Sustainability", funded and commissioned by a middle-class enterprise
  13. 2007: “Internship Optimisation and Innovation Transfer for bachelor courses of study – POINT“ in cooperation with the FU Berlin, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Science, Research and Technology (BMBF)
  14. 2007: Job satisfaction of teachers in the Kanton Aargau (Switzerland), funded by the Aargau Teacher's Association
  15. 2007 - 2008: Evaluation of the professional training and examination of managers, funded by the Swiss Association for Manager Training
  16. 2009 - 2011: Diagnosis of Leadership Motivation



Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche