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 Courses and Lectures

Teaching at the Universities of Berlin, Hamburg,Innsbruck, Halle, Cologne, Braunschweig and Siegen for students of psychology as a major subject and as a minor subject (business studies, science of education, future teachers, engineering science, media studies).




· Work and Organisational Psychology I

· Work and Organisational Psychology II (economic and personal psychology)

· Social Psychology for teachers

· Social Psychology I (social cognitions, interpersonal relationships)

· Social Psychology II (social groups and applied social psychology)




· New Techniques in the World of Work

· Stress at the Workplace

· Job Analysis and Job Design

· Commitment in Organisations

· Social Identity

· Transformational and Charismatic Leadership

· Leadership and Personality

· Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

· Entrepreneurship

· Intercultural Management

· Human Resource Development

· Training and Qualification Concepts

· Further Education, Training and Coaching

· Market, Advertising and Consumer Psychology


Practically integrated teachings / case seminars


· Cross-cultural Communication and Interaction (Englisch)

· Management Consultancy: Acquisition and Presentation

· Communication in Organisations, Interviews, Training and Consulting

· Personnel Selection

· Organisational Diagnostics: Employee Attitude Survey

· Case Studies of Manager Development

· Team Diagnostics and Team Development

· Moderation and Presentation

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